Venue Information


Universiteit van Amsterdam

CCN 2025 will take place at UvA's Roeterseiland campus, which houses the faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and student cultural centre CREA.  The campus is located in the Plantagebuurt of Amsterdam, one of the most beautiful and greenest parts of Amsterdam that is just outside, but still close to the city center.  The campus houses multiple modern buildings, study facilities and research labs that are surrounded by many restaurants and cafes.

Roeterseiland campus can be easily reached with public transport, including metro, tram and bus.  The closest station is Weesperplein, which is just a few stops away from Amsterdam's central train station and serviced by metro 51, 53 and 54, tram 1, 14 and 7, as well as at least five different bus routes.  Car parking options on campus are very limited, so traveling to the conference by car is not recommended - instead, we recommend renting a bike at Amsterdam's numerous bike rental places.  Find more information on getting around Amsterdam here.

The building where the conference will take place is wheelchair accessible.  Conference attendees with reduced mobility can enter building A/B/C through the main entrance (B/C) or through a special entrance located on the Valckenierstraat.